by Keith A. Crawford B.Ed, M.Ed (c)
Ling Liu M.Ed

统计数据表明,参与K-12(幼儿园至12年级的基础教育)在线英语学习的人数激增,尤其是在中国。这种学习模式能瞬间火爆的主要原因就是在线学习的便利性。在中国,学生们有各种课后的学习安排,所以亲自接送和陪伴孩子去语言培训中心成为家长的最大难题。除此以外,在校教育还有其他优势来加速学习者的语言技能。视频互动是提供发音和阅读训练的高效工具。学生们可以和老师以及世界各地的其他学生直接互动,不仅可以模仿纯正地道的英语发音,同时还能了解西方教育体制中的的课程设置和学习方法。引导性阅读项目综合了视频直播互动和大量优秀的数字阅读材料(如Epic!,a-z阅读)来配合不同学生的阅读兴趣和语言水平。 在线学习平台还可以进行大班教学里无法实施的针对性阅读训练。通过语音视频,老师们可以进行屏幕共享,现场录制,注释强调等多种工具来针对某个学生的特别提高训练,包括词汇,口语或阅读理解思维。当然,作为一种新科技,家长和孩子们都需要一些时间来了解如何最优化学习效果。下面的几点就是告诉家长和孩子们如何保证在线学习的成功。
- Talk about their online learning (经常问问他们的在线学习体验)Successful English learners connect learning to many different contexts. Young learners need to see their online learning as relevant and a part of their offline world. Casually talk to your kids about their online learning in English or Chinese. Tell their teachers, friends and extended family what they are doing. Gently ask them about their favorite part of a book they are reading, a game that they like or a funny vocabulary word. Do not drill them or correct their mistakes. Keep it light and happy!成功的英语学习者会在不同的情境里灵活运用所学内容。所以,小学习者们需要把线上学习和线下生活联系起来。时不时用中文或英文和你的孩子聊聊他们的线上学习。让他们告诉老师,告诉亲朋好友他们在学什么。可以问问他们最喜欢正在学的这本书的哪个部分,喜欢哪个游戏或者哪个有趣的单词。不要让他们机械地重复练习或者反复纠正他们的错误。让他们学得轻松愉快些!
- Give them Space (给孩子足够的空间)Just like when your child does homework, they need a space where they can easily focus, listen and be heard. Try to avoid a place where there are other people, as this might make them shy and uncomfortable. Avoid hovering over your child during online class time, but make yourself available and close-by. They may need your help with technical issues and might call you--especially their first few classes. They will be more brave and confident if you give them space.上网络课就像写作业一样,孩子们需要一个能集中精力去听或与老师交流的空间。尽
量避免在场,因为这样会让孩子们觉得害羞或不舒服。在孩子上课时,避免一直在旁 边督责,可以在旁边不远处陪同。当孩子们需要技术支持时候,他们可能需要你的帮助,特别是最初的几堂课。当孩子们拥有足够空间时,他们会更勇敢,更自信。
- Prepare tools ahead of time (提前准备好上课软件硬件)Test your internet connection, VPN, headset and software before class. Have your child practice using VOIP software (Skype, WeChat) with a friend or family member to get them familiar with these tools. Model and demonstrate patience and allow some time to get used to this type of learning. Online teachers are trained professionals that realize it takes time for young students to get used to technology.
课前要检查网络连接,耳机,话筒和软件安装。先让你的孩子用网络应用软件(如 Skype或微信)和朋友或家人聊聊天来熟悉这些软件。你要有耐心,给孩子一些时间去适应在线学习的方式。我们的在线老师都是接受过专业培训的,他们完全理解年纪小的学生需要时间适应这种教学技术。
- Stay in the loop (与老师保持联系和交流)Communicate with your child’s teachers about homework expectations, as well as feel free to communicate any difficulties that your student may be having. Some teachers provide an online communication book, class blog or collaborative document that they ask parents to check regularly. One of the benefits of online learning is that that teachers can record and post the in-class session. Encourage your child to watch the recording of the class for review.
- Think about the long game (长远考虑)
"Give a person a fish and they eat for a day. Teach them how to fish and they eat for a lifetime." (Chinese Proverb)
One of the goals for online learning is to give students the tools and strategies that can allow them to succeed individually. Building autonomy, or independent learning, takes time and a “growth mindset”. If students make mistakes in their additional language, this is a part of the learning process. In order for students to enjoy the lifelong journey of additional language learning--try to say positive things about your child’s effort or process--never say positive or negative things about them as learners or their language abilities. This will allow them to continually return to class and become lifelong learners who love English!授人以鱼不如授人以渔。网络学习的目标之一就是教学生们掌握工具和学习策略,以便日后可以成功地进行独立学习。培养自主能力和独立学习能力,需要时间和“成长思维”。学生们在学一门新语言时候犯错误,这是学习过程不可避免的一部分。为了让孩子们享受语言学习这段长途旅程,要对孩子的努力和进步多做正面评价,而不要对孩子作为学习者或他们的学习能力做定论。这样会让孩子们会坚持在课堂里,变成爱英语的终身学习者
Special Thanks to Cory Jobb for proofreading this article.
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